The RMS is the embodiment of the CH mission. Established by King Charles II in 1673 to prepare students with the skills to navigate the world, 350 years later, the spirit of the RMS continues to inspire students for future success. While the 350th anniversary marks the notable history of the RMS, it also provides an opportunity to create a lasting legacy. We are excited to launch the Lord Mayor’s RMS Scholarship programme to further increase social mobility and provide the next generation with the skills to navigate and make an impact on the world.

The Lord Mayor’s RMS Scholarship programme will enable young people from less advantaged backgrounds to have a transformative educational experience at Christ’s Hospital and equip them to navigate an increasingly complex world.

The Scholarships will run in perpetuity, providing a fitting legacy for the RMS and a way for sponsors to have a lasting impact on social mobility for generations to come.

Opportunities for investment

Each endowed Lord Mayor’s RMS Scholarship requires funding of £267,000 which will provide support in perpetuity for one sixth Form student each year.

A range of partnership levels exist, providing organisations and individuals with opportunities to make a significant impact on social mobility and STEM education while nurturing much-needed skills and talent for the economy.

Lord Mayor’s RMS Scholarship Programme partnership opportunities

Lord Mayor’s RMS Scholarship Founding Partner

  • Named Scholarship in perpetuity directly supporting a young person through their sixth form at Christ’s Hospital.
  • Contribution to organisation’s social mobility, STEM and EDI goals.
  • Engagement with the RMS Scholar including options for work experience/placements and mentoring.
  • Inclusion in RMS 350th Anniversary publicity as key partner
  • Inclusion in Lord Mayor of London 2023-24 publicity and events.
  • Opportunity for distinguished annual lecture to sixth form at Christ’s Hospital.
  • Inclusion on the honour roll at the Royal Mathematical School and on Christ’s Hospital’s website.
  • Invitations to key Christ’s Hospital events in London and Horsham each year.

Sponsorship required £267,000 (over up to 5 years)

Lord Mayor’s RMS Scholarship Gold Partner

  • Contribution to an in-perpetuity Scholarship directly supporting a young person through their sixth form at Christ’s Hospital.
  • Including benefits 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 and 8 of the RMS Scholarship Founding Partner

Sponsorship required £50,000 (over up to 3 years)

Lord Mayor’s RMS Scholarship Silver Partner

  • Contribution to an in-perpetuity Scholarship directly supporting a young person through their sixth form at Christ’s Hospital.
  • Including benefits 2, 3, 7 and 8 of the RMS Scholarship Founding Partner.

Sponsorship required £25,000 (over up to 2 years)

Lord Mayor’s RMS Scholarship Bronze Partner

  • Contribution to an in-perpetuity Scholarship directly supporting a young person through their sixth form at Christ’s Hospital.
  • Including benefits 2, 7 and 8 of the RMS Scholarship Founding Partner.

Sponsorship required £5,000

To discuss partnership opportunities for the Lord Mayor’s Royal Mathematical School Scholarship programme please contact  the Christ’s Hospital Development team at [email protected] or 01403 246652.

The history behind the RMS legacy

At various points in the 17th century, England was at war with France, Spain and Holland. The country suffered heavy losses at sea, including with the humiliating Raid of the Medway by the Dutch fleet in 1667. Inspired by France’s creation of specialist naval colleges, King Charles II established the Royal Mathematical School at Christ’s Hospital in 1673. The RMS aimed to strengthen the country’s naval capability by training students in maritime navigation, as well as giving young people from disadvantaged backgrounds the skills and knowledge to improve their own, and their communities’, fortunes.

With close involvement from Sir Isaac Newton, Sir Christopher Wren, Samuel Pepys, John Flamsteed and others, the Royal Mathematical School acted as a catalyst for London’s exponential growth as a global centre of knowledge and drove upward social mobility for thousands of young people and their descendants.

Today, the Royal Mathematical School sits at the heart of Christ’s Hospital’s pioneering educational and social mobility endeavour. With nearly 700 young people benefiting from transformational bursaries each year the school is a unique force in supporting diverse talent, equipping young people to navigate today’s society, and bringing much needed skills and attributes to our economy and society.