We are delighted to announce that for this academic year 2023/24 Christ’s Hospital is committing a record £24 million in means-tested bursary support. This means that of the 876 students at CH, 672 (77%) students will receive a bursary, averaging 85% remission of school fees.

We are extremely proud of this commitment and could not do it without the generosity of our CH community, especially when the school must contend with spiralling utility and other costs, whilst also responding to the increasing financial hardship faced by our students’ families.  At a time when the cost-of-living crisis continues, the need both to reduce inequality and increase social mobility is greater than ever. This need remains at the forefront of our mission.

Thank you to our incredibly special community.

It is only with the aid of those who support us that we can provide the life changing education that we do, and we thank every Old Blue, parent, friend, partner, foundation, and charity that has engaged with us in any way. It is this support that enables us to provide a nurturing, transformative education for young people from all backgrounds and in doing so, to challenge inequality. We cannot thank you enough for your support and we look forward to what we can achieve together over the coming academic year.