Tax-efficient gifts from Canadian taxpayers can be made via Charities Aid Foundation Canada.

CAF Canada (Charities Aid Foundation Canada) is a registered Canadian charity (CRA Charitable Registration #: 801966334RR0001). CAF Canada fully complies with Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) regulations, and is able to provide Canadian donors with a charitable tax receipt for approved projects.

How can you help?

Tax-efficient gifts from Canada taxpayers can be made via CAF Canada by any of the following methods:

Regular Gift – Make a pledge to give a monthly donation.

Single Gift – Make a one-off donation.

Give a gift of stock – A donation of securities or mutual fund shares is the most efficient way to give charitably since the capital gains tax does not apply. Your security or mutual fund donation means a larger donation for the charities you support. It also means a larger charitable tax receipt for you. CAF Canada is the largest processor of online security and mutual fund donations in Canada.

Donate in the following ways:

Online at Give Now – CAF Canada. Choose 'Donate to a CAF Canada Project' and then pick Christ’s Hospital Foundation from the drop down menu of CAF Canada Project Partners.

By Post. Complete the CAF Canada Gift Form and return to 100 King Street West, Suite 5600, Toronto, ON, M5X 1C9

If you would like further details or have any queries please contact the Christ’s Hospital Development Office at
[email protected]  or on +44(0) 1403 247588.