Announcement by Jenny Baxter, Clerk and Chief Operating Officer

4 December 2023

The Council of Christ’s Hospital is pleased to announce the appointment of Miriam McKay (Hertford, 7s, 1976-83) as Treasurer from 5 October 2024.  Miriam will succeed Christopher Steane, whose term as Treasurer comes to an end next year.

Miriam has been a Council Member since 2018, providing valuable insight and expertise to our Finance and General Purposes and Investment Committees and the Campaign Board.  She has enjoyed a successful career in corporate communications in the media, finance and consumer services sectors and now runs her own consultancy business.

Head Teacher, Simon Reid, said “I look forward very much to working more closely with Miriam, as CH enters a new, exciting phase of its strategic development."

There will be ample opportunity in the coming months to express the appreciation of the whole CH community for Christopher’s service to the school.  In the meantime, I trust you will all join me in congratulating Miriam on her appointment and welcoming her into the role.