Together We Can Transform Lives

Every child deserves a chance to flourish, regardless of their financial background or circumstances. 

Our Blue Fund Bursaries leverage the power of our school community, enabling us to join forces to support a CH education for underprivileged children. Together we ensure they receive the opportunities they rightfully deserve to thrive.

With your support we can ensure more young people can access a transformative Christ's Hospital education.

Please DONATE NOW to open doors to opportunity for students who desperately need it.

Meet Tom

Tom's CH journey, marked by academic excellence, discovering new passions and developing life skills, culminated in his appointment as Monitor and demonstrates the transformative potential of your support.

About Blue Fund Bursaries 

Every bursary disrupts the cycle of disadvantage, opening doors of opportunity and a pathway to social mobility.

Students supported by a Blue Fund Bursary benefit from access to a first-class Christ's Hospital education, individual attention, a stable boarding environment, pastoral care and a supportive community, which can be invaluable for children to flourish and reach their potential. 

Currently, six students benefit from Blue Fund Bursaries, thanks to the generosity of over 540 donors. However, this is just the beginning and there are countless more deserving children who would benefit from the opportunity.

LEARN MORE and explore Tom's story in our leaflet to discover the transformative power of a Blue Fund Bursary.

Your Support Matters

Financial obstacles should never be a barrier to a transformative education. With your help, no promising student will be left behind. Every contribution, large or small, plays a crucial role in changing lives.