Remembering Christ’s Hospital in your Will

Legacies are vital to our ability to fund bursaries for the neediest of pupils at Christ’s Hospital. We understand that decisions concerning your will are very personal and your family will be your first priority, and we are grateful you may consider supporting future generations of pupils by also including Christ’s Hospital in your will.

Legacy bequests are free from inheritance tax, and gifts of shares and property are exempt from capital gains tax. Making a will is an important step and it is recommended that you seek independent professional legacy advice. 

When making a bequest in your will, please note that the beneficiary should be the Christ’s Hospital Foundation, registered charity number 306975.

Further information can be found in our Legacy leaflet

The 1552 Society

To thank those who have let us know that they are leaving a gift to Christ’s Hospital in their will, we have created the 1552 Society. Members are invited to special school events throughout the year, such as Beating Retreat and CH student theatre productions.

For more information, or to discuss any aspect of this further in confidence, please contact us on [email protected] or at 01403 247588.

“As an OB and former parent, I am proud to have promised a gift in my Will to Christ’s Hospital. I want to ensure that not only does the tradition of benefaction continue but that we are able to offer life-changing opportunities to more and more students. Please join me in achieving this vision by leaving CH a legacy in your Will”. 
John Worth (PrepB, MdA 52-59)