The winners of the UK Social Mobility Awards (SOMOs) 2023 have been announced, with Christ’s Hospital taking home a silver award on the night.

The UK Social Mobility Awards were set up to recognise organisations that are prioritising social mobility, through recruitment processes and progression programmes, outreach within the local community, or by developing innovative ways to create change.

Simon Reid, Head Teacher of Christ’s Hospital commented:

We’re proud to have been nominated for a school/college of the year award. Christ’s Hospital has social mobility in its very DNA, so it’s wonderful that our continued efforts to create lasting change are being recognised.’

Tunde Banjoko OBE, Founder of the UK Social Mobility Awards, added:

‘We started the UK Social Mobility Awards as a vehicle to raise awareness of social mobility and to showcase the individuals and organisations who are dedicated to its advancement. It’s fantastic to see all the work they have done to help provide equal opportunities for individuals to succeed.’